Hi all!  My name is Margarita Rosario and for the past few weeks I have acted as fashion blogger for the Rutgers Review.  I really love street fashion and the amount of culture that can be conveyed through clothing.  Taking pictures of students and writing small blurbs about what they are about is really an exciting experience for me!  When I started doing this I was not sure of how many cool outfits I would actually find but what I have realized is that it is the person behind the outfit that make clothes work, and there are pretty cool fucking people here.

Having style is far from just wearing clothes that look nice; having style is becoming a character through your clothes.  Style is representative of who you are as a character, as a cartoon in this crazy world.  I love dressing up every day, and for those who have style, you know that picking an outfit is far from a chore.  Every day I can look like someone else yet still be myself, in part because being different is part of what makes me who I am.

I like people who are bold and willing to wear something unexpected.  Fashion is a non-verbal type of communication in which a world of style innovators share secrets, ideas, and statements through their pieces.  I really do appreciate when people stop for me and take their time telling me short details about them.  I have a dear passion for culture and love to see that passion transcend across the Rutgers campus.

If you have any questions personally directed at me, please find me at


Have a lovely rest of the day everyone!

Margarita Rosario