The opening reception for the annual Mason Gross BFA (bachelor of the fine arts) show took place last night in the Civic Square Building Main Gallery in downtown New Brunswick.

Food, beverage, and conversation (and candy, in recognition of the fact that the reception was originally scheduled to be on Halloween) were a-flowin as artist and art-viewers came out to check out the coolcool things everyone is doin’ here at MGSA.

Check out these creations made by Mason Gross undergrads.

Chew Stick by Julia Putelo

Read Across America by Truman Lahr

Post-it Project by Joanna Wong


Untitled by Erica Librizzi

Branded by Skyla Pojednic

more browsin’

S.A.S.W.002. by Michael Saunders

Untitled by Paolo Martinez

Scotts Turf Binder by Emily Kohl-Mattingley

Unfortunately due to the Sandy related time constraints and the gallery’s busy calendar the show had to be quickly disassembled and is no longer up.
But we’ll be looking for ya at the next show at the CSB Gallery !)

Gallery Hours are
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesdays
Noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays