– Keep at least four tabs open at all times. Facebook/Twitter/email or Tumblr or other social media site of your choosing/one site that actually contributes to your (attempts) at studying.
– Maintain easy access to multiple forms of caffeine. Soda is always a good one, but sometimes I cheat on it with some iced coffee. That shit’s legit.
– Make it look like you’re studying. Maybe even post a status telling the world that you’re studying when, in fact, you just opened the book one time and spent the other four hours watching Clueless and eating cookie dough.
– Provide yourself with incentives. Like, after I read this article I’ll drink a beer or maybe I can watch fifteen Mila Kunis movies after I study for an hour (or half an hour, hey, gotta compromise you know).
– Surround yourself with friends. Group all-nighters are a hell of a lot more interesting than any other kind of all-nighter, and at least you’ll feel like you have friends when you contemplate stuffing your head in a trashcan or jumping out of a window when the clock strikes 5 am. Not to mention, it’s way less pathetic to procrastinate with friends than to procrastinate by yourself ’cause – let’s be real – you probably just spent the last five hours on Tumblr and at least if you have friends there you don’t feel so bad about yourself.
– Food. Lots and lots and lots of food. Easy access, gain twenty pounds, you know the drill. Perfect for that obligatory mental breakdown you know you’re about to have.
You’re welcome.
Amanda Matteo is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rutgers Review.