Women around the world are dropping the razor and picking up the bottle. Bottle of hair dye, that is.
The new trend spreading around the young and style conscious feminist community is to dye their armpit hair a bright color. The idea behind this dye job is that by dying their armpit hair, women are empowering themselves and challenging the common perceptions of beauty.
Since mainstream society pressures women to be essentially hairless, even growing out armpit hair is a radical act as a woman. By bucking the convention to Nair every hair away, women are saying that they can be proud of themselves without confirming to every aesthetic expectation.
Dying armpit hair is what seems to be the new punk twist on this idea. And it looks awesome!
One popular take is to dye your armpit hair to match the hair on your head. This idea works best with women who have bright hair colors such as turquoise or pink.
The trick is to use a low grade bleach, and a bright dye color. Since armpit hair is more coarse than head hair, the bleach needs more power to stay. Alternatively, your armpit skin is sensitive, so it is best to use a bleach for soft skin.
By using a strong neon color that needs less of a blank canvas then a neutral, you can still get bright results well using a safe version of bleach.
Roxie Jane Hunt was one of the first people to become well-known for dying armpit hair. She works in a hair salon in Seattle, and documented the pit dying process for over 36.2K people to see.
Since then, hundreds of women have followed suit. Pictures can be found all over Tumblr sites such as don’t-shave.com and on Twitter using #dyedpits. Women say they post their pictures to both show their great dye job, and to fight against the idea that women should shave.
This new form of expression is getting some backlash though. People are claiming that dying armpit hair is gross, and women should just shave it all off. It seems odd that armpit would provide a larger controversy over gender expectations, but these tiny fluffs of neon body hair are doing just that.
In essence, the armpit hair dying is all about fighting against that type of stigma. The act of armpit hair dying tells the haters that these women don’t care about mainstream beauty perceptions. Plus, it’s a great way to color coordinate their outfits with their hair.
Kudos to these women for rocking this edgy beauty trend!
Sarah Beth Kaye