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Photography and Story by Faith Franzonia

Summer after fifth grade smelled of grass stains and sounded of shrieking giggles, felt like post-hill-rolling dizziness and tasted like Hawaiian Punch Capri Sun pouches with the straw punched through the back. My friends and I would be off to camp to learn how to make lanyards, practice archery, and find sunken pool-bottom Silly Bandz.


The most coveted portion of childhood I wish was retained was this constant ability to try new things; discouragement was not accepted. Lanyard-making was mastered to the degree that three months would allow…and then forgotten. Chinese staircases and box-stitches of all different color combinations proudly lived on the backpacks and keychains of friends for years. Did I miss that moment from youth to adolescence that we had to settle? The science kids spent hours in robotics club, public speakers debated on a team, and soccer stars practiced for hours after final bell. They all found and mastered their niche. I didn’t really have a set identity, in the sense that a lot of American kids have identities: as a track star, an artist, or a musician.


I comfort myself with the concept of multiplicity of humanity–our ability to contradict ourselves and not fit perfectly together–for people are not poetry. Allow the “theatre kids” to love math and the “nerds” to be amazing chefs. Allow me to listen to CupcakKe’s “Deepthroat” then Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 7 in A Major.” Moreover, allow yourself to explore interests and gain knowledge in areas that oddly intrigue you; you might surprise yourself! Whether that is trying to get through a country album (not recommended) or taking up painting (recommended)–just keep trying.


I decided to explore an interest of mine this summer: film photography. In May, I began shooting, waiting until September to see exactly what I captured. The alluring aspect about film photography is being, in part, clueless to what you’ve captured. I carried these cameras with me everywhere, from the beach, to Brooklyn parties, to basement restaurants in Chinatown. The process of capturing and waiting was so much more satisfying than a quick iPhone photo. Developing these photos was both nerve-wracking and enthralling, like waiting to eat that whole tub of ice cream once you get home from the grocery store, hoping it didn’t all turn to shit in your air-conditionless car.


Anyways, here are my moments captured. Maybe film photography will last more than the summer.