Phillip Labelle

Rhyme has its Reasons

If you look through a bookshelf full of contemporary poetry you would be hard pressed to find a book that contained a poem that uses traditional rhyme or met... Read More

Ars Poetica

Ars Poetica is a very pretty and elegant sounding term meaning the “art of poetry”. First being used to describe a poem by the Roman poet Horace, it has beco... Read More

The Joy of Finding “A New Poet”

Have you ever read anything that you connected with so much to the point it felt like it was speaking directly to you? A piece that spoke to you in such a wa... Read More

The Art of Responding to Art

The poem “Minnehaha”  by Tyehimba Jess is complicated and has many layers of context. First, it is an ekphrastic poem, meaning it responds to another wo... Read More

Indecision about “INDECISION”

The poem “INDECISION” by Ai(not to be mistaken for ‘artificial intelligence’) comes from her book of poetry titled Cruelty. Compared to other poems in the bo... Read More

Walking the Line of Grief and Humor

The poem’s title, “Your Dog Dies”, written by Raymond Carver, sounds like it would entail something depressing and heartbreaking, but something about the blu... Read More

Phillip Labelle


Hi I’m Phillip LaBelle. I am majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. Aside from the topic of my column, poetry, I am also interested in music and can play the piano, trumpet, and a little guitar. Emphasis on a little. My other hobbies also include working out, playing basketball, and cooking. My column Poetry in Practice is about looking at different poems and analyzing their techniques and content. Some articles may be just about a certain technique, such as repetition, or some may draw on the ideas present in the poem and discuss them. Occasionally, an article will have a prompt inspired by a poem’s techniques or content that readers can use, and I will write an original example poem using the prompt. Also, some articles will be about different poetry movements or poets themselves. Essentially, anything and everything poetry.